
Showing posts from October, 2020

Cushion Cut Diamonds Scream Vintage, Wouldn't You Agree?

Lab grown diamonds come in a number of shapes, each of which has its own appeal. Take the round brilliant cut for example. With its numerous facets and glaring brilliance, the round brilliant cut is all about elegance. The princess cut, with its straight sided rectangular outline enunciates for a sharp style statement. The emerald cut is all about sophistication, but when it comes to the cushion cut, it screams vintage. Wouldn't you agree? The Origin of the Cushion Cut The origin of the cushion cut dates back to the 19th century. Named after the old Brazilian mines , the cushion cut was earlier called the mine cut. Though very similar in shape, the mine cut had 58 facets while the modern cushion cut has 64 facets.   It is said that the cushion cut, as we know it today, has drawn inspiration from other cuts such as Peruzzi and candle cuts. This cut has come a long way since its inception, thanks to the evolution of the diamond cutting and cleaving process. Many of the world’s mos


Lab grown Diamonds have been fighting the battle of acceptance for six decades now. Finally, their time has come. Nowadays, both diamond buyers and sellers are accepting them as mainstream gems. The myths and misconceptions surrounding synthetic diamonds continue to exist. Despite that, the lab grown diamond industry has grown by leaps and bounds. The lab created diamond industry is estimated to grow up to $15 billion by 2035 . At this pace, they are bound to leave an impact on the industry. So, how are these manmade diamonds shaping up key industry trends? Let's take a quick look! The Shift in Perspective about Diamonds Mined diamonds take a billion years to be formed. To excavate these diamonds from the earth's crust is a tedious task. So far, jewelry lovers have regarded diamonds as enigmatic. For them, purchasing exquisite diamond jewelry was a luxury. But now, diamonds can be produced in labs. These diamonds are purer than those found in nature, and they are 20-30% ch

How close are lab-grown diamonds to the real ones?

 Here We Explain Lab grown diamond is real One .  A lab-grown diamond is a “real” diamond . It’s just that naturally occurring diamonds were made by the earth millions of years ago and lab-grown diamonds have only been made since we, humans, were able to figure out how to make diamonds. Diamonds made in the lab have the same optical, chemical, and physical characteristics as natural diamonds. Moreover, they also have the same fire, sparkle, and scintillation. Lab grown diamonds  are made from a small portion of a natural diamond. It is very difficult to differentiate a lab-grown diamond and natural diamond with the naked eye. It is hard to find any difference between lab-grown and natural diamonds. Both have the same fire, sparkle, and scintillation. Lab diamonds may contain trace elements, but this will never reflect in their appearance. The only way to differentiate two diamonds is through specialized equipment. Lab-grown diamonds come with a gem certification, which tells custome