Are lab grown diamonds worth anything?

What Are Lab Grown Diamonds? Lab grown diamonds are commonly referred to as manmade diamonds or as CVD diamonds . Lab created diamonds have been around since the 1940s. Earlier, lab diamonds were manufactured for industrial applications. It was only in the 1980s that gem-quality lab grown diamonds became commercially available. Over time, the quality of these diamonds has improved extensively. Today, you can’t tell the difference between grown diamonds and mined diamonds unless you get an expert to look at them under a microscope. As the name suggests, these diamonds are lab grown and are equipped to mimic the natural circumstances under which diamonds are formed in nature. There are two ways in which lab grown diamonds are created . The Process of Lab Grown Diamonds CVD process for lab Created diamonds - CVD stands for Chemical Vapour Deposition . The CVD process utilizes carbon gasses in a contained chamber. Carbon gasses are heated until they separate carbon atoms wi...